TAP is partnering with the LA County Libraries and InterCambio Express to bring customers TAP Duo—a new and easy way to manage transit fare with other convenient services all on one card. Visit a participating location today to sign up or be sure to check back here to learn more about additional participating locations.

Choose a Service

Use your plastic card for any of the following services to manage transit fare. Click the service name to see how.

LA County Library
Sign up
  • Present your existing LA County Library Card to a library staff member at Paramount Library.
  • The staff member will place the TAP sticker on the bottom left corner of the library card to ensure that the TAP sticker does not interfere with the barcode. This now becomes the TAP Duo card.
  • Provide the library staff member with your sign up information and you’re ready to go.

Paramount Library  (map)

InterCambio Express
Sign up
  • Present your existing InterCambio Express loyalty card to a clerk at a participating location.
  • The staff member will place the TAP sticker on the bottom left corner of the loyalty card to ensure that the TAP sticker does not interfere with the barcode. This now becomes the TAP Duo card.
  • Provide the clerk with your sign up information and you’re ready to go.

InterCambio Express, 304 W. 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014 (map)

Benefits of TAP Duo

  • A fast and convenient way to manage multiple services at once
  • Faster boarding
  • Pay per ride on Metro to earn free rides through fare capping
  • Free 2-hour transfers on Metro
  • Manage your money services and transit fare all in one card, and all in one visit
  • Use on Metro and 26 transit agencies across LA County
  • Get added benefits by registering your TAP sticker

Reload Transit Fare on your Card

Reload Stored Value, a transit pass, or a LIFE monthly 20-Ride pass (for qualifying LIFE riders)

  • At a participating TAP Duo location or at more than 500 TAP vendor locations
  • On the TAP app
  • Online at taptogo.net
  • At a Metro Customer Center
  • By calling TAP Customer Service at 866-827-8646
  • At a bus farebox
  • At TAP Vending Machines located at all Metro Rail stations, the G Line and J Line

Program FAQs

1. Who is eligible to join TAP Duo?
Cash paying transit riders who have an existing LA County Library card or InterCambio Express loyalty card are eligible to join so that they can manage multiple services all on one card.
2. Does the TAP sticker work the same way as a TAP card?
Yes, a TAP sticker works the same as a TAP card, except the TAP sticker allows you to carry your TAP benefits on your card, rather than having to carry two separate cards.

You can load the same fare products on a TAP sticker that you can load on a TAP card, and it is valid on Metro bus and rail, as well as on 26 additional transit agencies.
3. What is the number on my TAP sticker used for?
The number on your TAP sticker can be used to register it to your TAP account so that you can manage your fare online or on the TAP app, check your balance and sign up for Balance Protection.
4. When does the TAP sticker on my TAP Duo card expire?
The TAP sticker on your TAP Duo card is good for 15 years.
5. I lost my TAP Duo card. Can I replace it?
Yes, you can. Once you receive your new library or loyalty card, visit the location where you signed up for TAP Duo and follow these steps:
  • Let the staff know that you need to replace your TAP sticker.
  • If you were registered and had an existing balance on your previous TAP sticker, call TAP Customer Service at 866-827-8646 and provide the new TAP sticker number to transfer your previous balance. Please follow this process if you are also an existing LIFE customer.
  • If your TAP sticker was not registered on taptogo.net, or if you did not have any existing balance, you can place your new sticker onto your new card and load your desired fare.