Foothill Transit’s New 10-Trip Pass Lets Hybrid Commuters Flex Their Savings


Foothill Transit introduced a 10-Trip Pass in July – a new pass that’s good for 10 trips no matter how long it takes to use it up – to give customers more bus for their buck. The 10-Trip Pass provides the convenience and savings of a monthly pass with all the flexibility that new hybrid schedules provide. It’s 10 rides for the price of eight!

The customer activates the first trip on the 10-Trip Pass when they first ride (this also includes a free transfer to local Foothill Transit lines and Silver Streak within two hours). And, if the customer needs a trip back at the end of the day, the second trip on the 10-Trip Pass gets used. This process continues until all 10 trips are used up, allowing customers the flexibility to choose when to use the rides on their pass instead of a rolling monthly pass option.

The 10-Trip Pass has become one of the most popular passes at the Transit Stores. Customers can purchase the 10-Trip Pass at any Foothill Transit Store, the TAP app, or on

Here’s the pricing information for the 10-Trip Pass:

Adult Local + Silver Streak     $14
Student Local + Silver Streak     $8
Senior/Disabled Local + Silver Streak     $6
Commuter Express     $44

Visit or call 1-800 RIDE INFO (743-3463) to learn more about Foothill Transit fares and more.